Saturday, July 12, 2014

This Is Not Sturgis!

Every year Sturgis Montana hosts a BIG motorcycle convention.  We are NOT in Sturgis but it feels and sounds like it. There are motorcycles EVERYWHERE!  And because today was an "all day" rehearsal day I have decided to devote this days blog to the Greek motorcycle and the crazy people who ride them...

Look to see if you can find the family of 4, the pizza delivery man, motorcycle grandma and other motorcycle anomalies.

This is, by no means, a complete chronicle of the complex motorcycle society of Greece.  My apologies to you animal lovers as there were many four legged riders (with their owners driving) as well.  However these pairings were usually by before I could get a picture.  My guess is that in 2,000 years when archeologists come to this place to unearth the ruins they will wisely surmise that this people were slaves to Vespa, the god of movement.

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