Imagine an ancient city built on a collection of hills at the edge of the Aegean Sea that is over 3000 years old. Imagine a group of singers from a small town in Oregon standing in front of the tall columns of the Temple of Zues, with the Acropolis poised high on a hill in the background. You'll HAVE to imagine these things because I accidentally erased these pictures from my camera just before entering this blog!
The important thing to know is that we all have made it here to the island of Syros off the south coast of Greece. The trip was long but uneventful. The weather in Athens was warm but with a steady cooling wind today as we walked through the streets of "Old Town" Athens. Tomorrow the singers will go to work early with their first rehearsals. We really don't know what our hotel looks like because we arrived about 11pm. There will be pictures tomorrow, I PROMISE!
We at home sure appreciate this blog, Jon! Some were worried about the hurricane threatening the eastern US interfering with travel, so it was good to know you landed safely. Look forward to pictures and enjoy settling in! --Sue Martines (Hope's mom)